Koti Kanasar Bugiyal

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Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal
Koti Kanasar Bugiyal


Kotikanasar Bugyal is situated in Chakrata, about 115 km from Dehradun. Known for its breathtaking beauty, towering cedar trees, and lush green Bugyal, this locale is often referred as Mini Kashmir. Every year, a large number of tourists flock here, especially during January and February, to witness the snowfall that enhances the area's allure. Visitors travel from afar just to witness the panoramic and majestic beauty of this place. To explore the serenity and natural splendor, visitors can access this destination by road, with readily available taxi service from Dehradun and Chakrata. Tourists may avail of accommodation services offered by the local government at a nominal rent of Rs 300. Apart from this, private cottages and tents services are also available with camping facilities. The traditional fair held in the first week of August is one of the main attractions of the locale, draws a number of attendees to partake in the festivities.

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